
Top 3 tips for maintaining motivation through winter


We all know that when it gets dark and cold, motivation for leaving the house can drop. Wrapping up warm, sitting on the sofa and drinking a lovely glass of red can seem a lot more appealing. However, with COVID still around, the need to exercise is even more important than ever, so we are fitter and healthier ready to fight off any winter cold or flu that comes our way.

Here are my top 3 tips for keeping your motivation up over winter:

Have a plan / program

This is brilliant for multiple reasons;

  1. It stops you needing to think what you’re going to do in your workouts as they are already written and planned out for you. This simple step removes a barrier before your workout. If you don’t have to plan the workout, then you’re more likely to do it.

  2. You’re committed to something more than just one workout, therefor you're invested, therefore you’re more likely to complete it. Random workouts can be fun and varied but are just one off workouts. When you commit to a training program, you are in something bigger than just one workout, so you're more likely to do them.

  3. You will see progress, which will continue to motivate you as the weeks roll by. Training progress comes from consistently working towards similar goals, rather than random workouts. As you follow a program over 4,8,12 weeks, you will see progress in multiple areas, giving you a boost in confidence and motivation every time it happens. 

Focus on resistance training

Generally, this should be the foundations of your training year-round, however through the winter months it is even more beneficial. This is for a couple of reasons;

  1. You are less likely to be getting your kit off and walking around a swimming pool, so you will naturally be eating more. This addition of calories is great for building strength and muscle mass.

  2. Heavy resistance training can be quite energy demanding, so sleep and food become more important. During the winter months, we tend to sleep more due to longer nights and colder temperatures. This natural shift benefits our ability to develop muscle mass and sets us up nicely for a change in training style as it warms up.

Put it in your diary

Motivation isn’t something that will last for weeks. It comes and goes, so we need to put other things in place that will help us when your motivation drops. When we put it in the diary It is more likely to get done. Sit down on a Friday and plan out your following week. When you’re going to train, work, relax and eat. This will help you achieve more and reduce your chances of bailing on a workout because you “don’t have time”. Schedule your days and you will find that you have more time to do things.

If you want more personal help with any of these then my team and I will be happy to help you maximise your winter training through our Personal Online Coaching platform. Find us at endeavourlife.com or email david@endeavourlife.com

David Birtwistle

Helios Head Coach
Endeavour Life Head Coach & Founder